


WAKi Relic Museum presents a private relic museum from many Thai masters and the king of Burmese relics. We are about to begin to inherit the last words of the king of relics, Sayadaw U Kittivara to give 1,000 Waki relic stupas as gifts to be enshrined, for the temples all around the world and to connect as global Buddhists in this new era.



在博物馆的创立初期是以收藏泰国的佛像、佛牌、经书等。随后,在缅甸仰光波罗密寺的住持(缅甸舍利子博物馆创始人,舍利子之王)吴祺迪瓦拉尊者的信任下,尊者赠予华琪舍利子博物馆各种珍贵的释迦摩尼佛舍利子及佛陀弟子舍利子。2019年7月9日,在吴祺迪瓦拉尊者见证下华琪舍利子博物馆正式成立,并被尊者委任为传承和永续佛陀和佛陀弟子舍利子的国际中心,让佛陀和佛陀弟子舍利子在这新时代成为团结全球佛教信众的信仰的纽带及让佛教信众感念佛陀至伟功德, 守卫着佛教之光。




舍利子之王,缅甸舍利博物馆创办人及波罗密寺主持: 乌祺迪达瓦拉尊者生于西元1947年10月13日缅甸中部迈克蒂拉分区的普佩斯村。从十岁起,师父在缅甸一个偏远村庄旺多比修寺. 接受僧团受戒成为沙弥。二十岁时,在国他乌闭巴利大学. 领导人乌贾加拉的领导下,在旺都比修道院中接受僧侣的任命。此外,尊者在旺温镇与著名的僧侣沙耶陀·旺托菲和 东枝镇的沙耶陀圣陶学习及进修佛教经典。

1979年,乌祺迪达瓦拉尊者成为波罗密寺主持,他跟随他的老师苏里亚尊者的步伐收集和供奉佛陀与佛陀弟子的舍利子. 乌祺迪达瓦拉尊者一直在缅甸全国各地收集、保护,收藏并供奉佛陀及阿罗汉舍利子.

1984年,尊者在他的寺院创办了缅甸舍利博物馆,目的是将佛陀与佛陀弟子的舍利子供奉及保存在同个地方,让佛教信徒能够礼敬佛陀及阿罗汉舍利子。波罗密寺在当地及海外都是众所周知. 每天有来自韩国、泰国、越南、新加坡、中国、台湾、孟加拉国、印度尼西亚、马来西亚等地的佛教徒前来礼敬及供奉佛陀及阿罗汉舍利子.

此外,尊者也被受邀请到许多国外如韩国、马来西亚、泰国、中国及越南推广和传播佛教。为了给更多佛教徒能礼敬佛陀及阿罗汉舍利子,他捐献舍利子给予许多国家仰奉,包括泰国,韩国,新加坡,台湾,印度尼西亚,辽国,越南,中国和马来西亚。于2019年7月9日尊者为华琪舍利子博物馆, 吉隆坡, 马来西亚开幕, 并慈悲慷慨捐献两千公斤各类珍贵的两千五百年释迦摩尼佛及阿罗汉舍利供奉于华琪舍利子文物馆。

在他的一生中,尊者在全国各地建造无数的佛搭及重建许多古寺院.在2020年,尊者也被缅甸联邦政府大力弘扬佛教,萨亚道·乌·基蒂瓦拉被缅甸联合政府冠以 阿加马哈萨达马乔提卡-达哈 的称号。乌祺迪达瓦拉尊者於2021年7月28日,星期三晩上十一时四十五分圆寂,世寿74 岁。

华琪舍利子博物馆主席 张秋源博士

President of WAKi Relics Museum 华琪舍利子博物馆主席 World Peace Ambassador 世界和平大使 M.A (Honorary Master Degree in Buddhist Studies) MCU University 荣誉佛学硕士 World Buddhism Contribution Award, Beijing 世界佛学杰出贡献奖 Pillar of Asoke Award, Thailand 阿育王石柱佛教贡献奖 Gold Phra Pathomched Award, Thailand 佛统塔金奖 International Tara Award, Thailand 国际绿度母奖



Relics of Venerable Moggallana (The Foremost in Psychic Power)

目犍連 尊者 - 舍利子 (神通第一)

The Venerable Moggallana was being regarded as the “Foremost in Psychic Power” amongst Buddha’s ten Principal...

Relics of Venerable Ananda (The Foremost in Hearing Many Teachings)

阿难陀 尊者 - 舍利子 (多闻第一)

The Venerable Ananda’s father was Amitodana the Sakiyan, brother of King Suddhodana; thus venerable Ananda was the cousin...

Relics of Venerable Sariputta (The Foremost of Wisdom)

舍利弗 尊者 - 舍利子 (智慧第一 )

Venerable Sariputta , which means "Son of the Sari". He is one of the ten disciples principal.
Venerable Sarip...

Relics of Venerable Bakkula (The Foremost in Health)

巴库拉 尊者 - 舍利子 (寿 命 第 一)


Relics of Venerable Purnamaitrayaniputra (The Foremost in Spreading The Dharma)

富楼那 尊者 - 舍利子 (说法第一)

'Purnamaitrayaniputra" (Purna) is means boundless preaching and compassion. It is named after his parents.


Relics of Venerable Anuruddha (The Foremost in Divine Insight)

阿那律 尊者 - 舍利子 (天眼第一)

Anuruddha was the cousin of Lord Buddha. In the beginning when venerable Anuruddha took refuge from the Buddha,venerable dozed...

Relics of Venerable Upali ( The Foremost in Upkeeping The Precepts )

优婆离 尊者- 舍利子(持律第一)

Venerable Upali followed Shakyamuni Buddha for his whole life. When Shakyamuni Buddha is still a prince, he was the barber of t...

Relics of Venerable Rahula ( The Foremost in Esoteric Practices )

罗侯罗 尊者 - 舍利子 (密行第一)

Venerable Rahula in the Pali Cannon, translated as “obstacle” because Venerable was in his mother’s womb for...

Relics of Venerable Katyayana ( The Foremost in Debating the Dharma )

迦旃延 尊者 - 舍利子 (议论第一)

Venerable Katyayana was born in Ujjayini, the capital of Avanti in Western India. In the beginning he was studying under his un...

2019 07 09 The Opening of WAKi Relic Museum
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2019 09 06 Chant & Blessing Luang Pu Boon Soon from Thailand
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2019 11 12 Mr Chairman visit Sri Lanka
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2019 11 17 The Enshrining Ceremony of The Replica of Buddha Tooth Relic
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2020 01 22 Chanting with Master Hui Hai from Dharma Buddhist University for Relics giving
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2020 09 11 Zoom Chanting & Blessing by Luang Pu Boonsong
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2020 09 22 Zoom Chanting & Blessing by Chao Khun Thiab
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2020 11 01 Relic Pagoda Consecration Ceremony_450kg
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2020 11 12 Online Chanting & Blessing by Luang Pu Boonsong
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2020 11 14 73rd Birthday Ceremony of King of Relic Sayadaw U Kittivara
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2022 05 31_Sri Lanka Sangha Members visit WAKi Relic Museum
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2022 06 14-22_Attend The 50th Anniversary Celebration of Vatican- Wat Phra Chrtuphon Friendship Between Two Religions (1972-2022)
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2022 07 20_President of WAKi Relic Museum, Dr Teo to present Waki Relic Pagoda to Venerable Dr. Bhaddanta Kumārā Bhivamsa (Bhamo Sayadaw) & Bhaddanta Lābāvata (Yelea Sayadaw)
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2022 08 31_offer the Waki Relic Pagoda to his holiness Somdet Phra Ariyavongsagatanana IX (The Supreme Patriarch of Thailand)
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2022 09 04 _WAKi Relic Pagoda Enshrinement Ceremony
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2022 09 27_The Enshrinement Ceremony of 99 WAKi Relic Pagoda
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2022 10 18 _WAKi Relic Pagoda Enshrinement Ceremony
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2022 11 23_Waki Relic Pagoda Enshrinement Ceremony Chanting & Blessing
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2022 12 17-18 Procession of Buddha Relics & Mahapitaka at Wihara Ekayana, Indonesia
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2022 12 25-26_Wat Mahathat Kings Bromley, Staffordshire, UK
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2022 12 27-28_HQ of World Buddhist Dhammaduta Organisation, Plymouth, UK
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2022 12 31-2023 01 01_Wat Buddhapadipa Temple, London
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2022 12 30 - 21 Sangha Members and Mae Chee from Thailand, Malaysia and Hong Kong Visit WRM
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2023 01 12_WAKi Relic Pagoda Enshrinement Ceremony Chanting & Blessing, Wuntawpyae Monestery, Myanmar
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2023 02 15-16_The Relics of the Lord Buddha & His Disciple, Bodh Gaya, India
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2023 03 16-17_Enshrinement Of Relic Pagoda by Venerable Luang Ta Siri and members from Thailand
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