List of Relics
- Relics of Venerable Moggallana (The Foremost in Psychic Power)
- Relics of Venerable Ananda (The Foremost in Hearing Many Teachings)
- Relics of Venerable Sariputta (The Foremost of Wisdom)
- Relics of Venerable Bakkula (The Foremost in Health)
- Relics of Venerable Purnamaitrayaniputra (The Foremost in Spreading The Dharma)
- Relics of Venerable Anuruddha (The Foremost in Divine Insight)
- Relics of Venerable Upali ( The Foremost in Upkeeping The Precepts )
- Relics of Venerable Rahula ( The Foremost in Esoteric Practices )
- Relics of Venerable Katyayana ( The Foremost in Debating the Dharma )
Relics of Venerable Anuruddha (The Foremost in Divine Insight)
阿那律 尊者 - 舍利子 (天眼第一)
Anuruddha was the cousin of Lord Buddha. In the beginning when venerable Anuruddha took refuge from the Buddha,venerable dozed off when the Buddha was explaining the Dharma and was reprimanded by the Buddha. Then, he vowed not to sleep and he lost his eyesight after refusing to sleep for seven days. Out of compassion, Buddha taught Anuruddha the power of divine eye. Thus, Anurrudha was being regarded as the foremost in divine sight, and it allowed him to see all matters and sentient beings in this universe.