List of Relics
- Relics of Venerable Moggallana (The Foremost in Psychic Power)
- Relics of Venerable Ananda (The Foremost in Hearing Many Teachings)
- Relics of Venerable Sariputta (The Foremost of Wisdom)
- Relics of Venerable Bakkula (The Foremost in Health)
- Relics of Venerable Purnamaitrayaniputra (The Foremost in Spreading The Dharma)
- Relics of Venerable Anuruddha (The Foremost in Divine Insight)
- Relics of Venerable Upali ( The Foremost in Upkeeping The Precepts )
- Relics of Venerable Rahula ( The Foremost in Esoteric Practices )
- Relics of Venerable Katyayana ( The Foremost in Debating the Dharma )
Relics of Venerable Rahula ( The Foremost in Esoteric Practices )
罗侯罗 尊者 - 舍利子 (密行第一)
Venerable Rahula in the Pali Cannon, translated as “obstacle” because Venerable was in his mother’s womb for six years. Rahula is the son of Buddha before Buddha became a monk. When the Buddha returned to his hometown after enlightenment, Rahula was fifteen and Venerable took the novice ordination. Venerable was the earliest novice in the Sangha. And Venerable Sariputta is the preceptor of Rahula.
Venerable Rahula was regarded as the foremost in practice amongst Buddha’s Ten Principal Disciples. It is because Rahula kept straight rules and studied hard without attracting anyone’s attention.