List of Relics
- Relics of Venerable Moggallana (The Foremost in Psychic Power)
- Relics of Venerable Ananda (The Foremost in Hearing Many Teachings)
- Relics of Venerable Sariputta (The Foremost of Wisdom)
- Relics of Venerable Bakkula (The Foremost in Health)
- Relics of Venerable Purnamaitrayaniputra (The Foremost in Spreading The Dharma)
- Relics of Venerable Anuruddha (The Foremost in Divine Insight)
- Relics of Venerable Upali ( The Foremost in Upkeeping The Precepts )
- Relics of Venerable Rahula ( The Foremost in Esoteric Practices )
- Relics of Venerable Katyayana ( The Foremost in Debating the Dharma )
Relics of Venerable Ananda (The Foremost in Hearing Many Teachings)
阿难陀 尊者 - 舍利子 (多闻第一)
The Venerable Ananda’s father was Amitodana the Sakiyan, brother of King Suddhodana; thus venerable Ananda was the cousin of Lord Buddha. He served as personal attendant to the Buddha who was fifty years old for twenty five years. He had an impeccable memory of most of the Buddha’s discourses and is referred to as “Foremost in Hearing Many Teachings”of Buddha.
尊者是提婆达多之弟,为佛陀叔父甘露饭王之子,是佛陀的堂弟。佛陀55岁时,尊者皈依佛陀。尊者专心侍奉佛陀,形影不离,直至佛陀涅 时止,跟随佛陀前后达25年之久。尊者长于记忆,凡是佛陀所说教法尊者都能铭记不忘,在佛陀弟子中数他闻法最多,因此而赢得“多闻第一”的称誉。
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